AmigaActive (532/2143)

From:Conor Kerr
Date:6 May 2000 at 13:47:58
Subject:Re: Amiga and PersonalJava (was Re: Basic or C)

Hello hah-andy,

> From what I've read about Personal Java, it doesn't look like it's got the
> Swing stuff there anyway :( Swing was only part of Java with the 1.2 (or 2
> if you insist) release, and the only Personal Java stuff I've read about
> is based on 1.1something.

I think it's 1.1.6. That's the most popluar version of Java anyway, most
companies I know of switched back from 1.2 to 1.1.6 or 1.1.8 because 1.2 is

> Swing covers pretty much most things I'd want. Anything in particular you
> think it's lacking?

It's not flexible enough for me as an interface API. I want more than a
traditional WIMP GUI. For the kind of interfaces I want it is actually
possible to program them using Java as it is, but it's a lot of hassle,
there's a huge need for new APIs.

> It's a lot better than the nasty old AWT stuff, and
> there are some quite nice tools about for writing Swing apps.

I recently had to write some software which used 1.1.6 and wasn't allowed to
use Swing and I ended up (unintentionally) writing some classes using AWT
that basically did what the corresponding Swing class did. Anything that
can be done in swing can be done using the AWT but with a LOT more work. In
the same way, as I as saying above, the things I want to do CAN be done
using Swing but, again, it would be a lot of work. Hope that explains how I
feel. :)

> If Amiga offer something better than Swing, and it's accesible through
> Java, I'll be _very_ happy.

I think that this is 50% of what Amiga will be offering.

> But I still want Swing there, just because
> there's a fair few things about that use it already, and it'd be nice to
> have them running on an Amiga.

I'd agree, I'd want it for the same reasons but I would expect people to
convert over to using Amiga's APIs as they'll be so superior (i.e. flexible
and easy to get good results from their use).

> While I'm at it, let's remember we've got (or
> if you insist, still not used to that ;) for these sorts of
> things, even if we're kind of on topic now anyway ;)

Oh! I didn't know about that. I'll join later :@)

All the best..


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